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Navigating a sea of designs, shapes, and trademarks means that European leader in the online home furnishings sector must be able to measure the latitude and longitude of each intellectual property right with a mapmaker's precision, a task that it regularly entrusts to us.

In order to prevent a chef's brands from being devoured by infringers they are the subject of carefully targeted protection.

Our handling of litigation involving cross-border registration fraud for dozens of dormant trademarks ("sleeping beauties"), enabled our client to obtain legitimate compensation and a clear view of the competitive horizon.

Digital publishing, traditional publishing, publication deadlines, accountability reports… The law that applies to the publishing sector hold no secrets for us.

Just as the study of fluid mechanics requires a solid base in mathematics, the post due diligence acquisition of a publisher of marine calculation software would not have been possible without a precisely charted agreement setting the course for the author's rights involved.


Just as the study of fluid mechanics requires a solid base in mathematics, the post due diligence acquisition of a publisher of marine calculation software would not have been possible without a precisely charted agreement setting the course for the author's rights involved.

We advise the art galleries we work for to pay careful attention to the framework of their contractual relationships with the photographers and videographers they call upon to promote the artists they exhibit.

A process for transforming ground materials was protected by patent but that did not shelter it from third party complaints of infringement, until we took certain initiatives, in particular involving proof, to ensure the legal protection of the right holder.

As the jewelry and accessories commercialized by our clients have met with great success abroad, we assist them in their fight against the infringement of their trademarks and designs beyond our borders with the help of the Customs authorities.

When a top-ranked luxury clothing brand found itself faced with a competitor who refused to play by the rules, we deployed the right legal strategy and fair penalties were imposed for these actions.